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Did you know that the average man spends 35 minutes a DAY worrying about how he looks? Research has been commissioned by KSL UK to help understand what it is that makes a guy tick when it comes to appearance.

The research consisted of 2,000 men, half of whom confessed they aren’t confident about their appearance.

Being overweight is the biggest anxiety for men, followed by hair loss, body shape and hair not looking quite as they’d like it to.* So, evidently men feel first impressions do matter as their visual identity is apparently key.

Simon Lindsay, CEO of hair loss specialists KSL says “The research highlights just some of the worries men have when it comes to how they look and it shows that men spend a considerable amount of time thinking about their appearance.

“With men feeling under pressure to look their best, it’s important we find solutions that not only help men look better on the outside but feel better on the inside.”

Around 50% of the interviewees said that they had already started to lose hair by the time they were 34, so the process starts early and young men do become very self-aware. 22% have considered having treatment for thinning hair, KSL often has groups of young men popping into their clinics at lunchtime for their free hair consultations.

Men will spend 14 minutes getting ready in a typical day and will worry about what to wear for two-and-a-half-hours each month – because they’re not 100% confident about their appearance.

16% of men said images of friends and celebrities on social media made them feel anxious about how they look – while four in ten avoid looking at the images altogether.

 So what steps are men taking to address these concerns?

  • Shift the fat – 28% of the men have attempted to lose weight
  • Hit the gym – 15% starting to work out at the gym
  • Invest in products – When it comes the topic of hair loss 9% have used hair thickening shampoos or shampoo containing caffeine, and 8% just wear a hat to cover up!
  • Be good to yourself – 11% worry hair loss is due to lack of sleep and 9% believe drinking more water will help

And what is that makes a man confident in his appearance anyway?

Interestingly the statistics show a non-committal 43% saying they were neither confident nor unconfident about their general appearance. And 15% were either quite unconfident or very unconfident, so nearly 60% of these men were unsure about their confidence in their appearance.

A shocking 24% of men have dreaded going places due to poor appearance and 20% avoided special occasions! It’s time to rewind and empower the male image!

There’s no need to suffer in silence with anything that may have an impact on your confidence, including hair loss. Contact us now to book your FREE consultation in one of our hair restoration clinics in Birmingham, Kent, Manchester, Cardiff, Newcastle. We’ll be glad to show you how we can help on your journey to combat hair loss.

*Full results for male appearance worries:

Kelly Dash

As Manager of KSL Clinic in Manchester, my main role is to ensure efficient and safe running of the clinic so that all patients receive the best care in their hair restoration journey. Years of experience in healthcare and previous experience as a hair transplant technician has helped with delivering high standards of patient care.