When it comes to Male Pattern Baldness, you have several choices: you can either pull out the clippers and embrace it, you can live in denial and wait for nature to make the decision for you, or you can be proactive and take steps to restore your hair. A hair transplant is a safe and effective way to do just that.
Yet, while this procedure often yields great results, aftercare is absolutely integral in getting the most from your hair transplant. It’s essential to take care of your healing scalp and keep your expectations realistic as your newly transplanted follicles take root and begin to produce natural, healthy hair in those previously sparse places.
Here we’ll look at what you can expect in terms of regrowth. After an FUE hair transplant procedure, it’s perfectly natural to experience some anxiety, or worry that something is awry. This guide will give you the peace of mind you need and assure you that all is going to plan.
Early shedding- Don’t worry, it’s actually a good sign
Assuming you have taken the aftercare measures recommended by your surgeon (and detailed here for quick reference), your scalp will reach a healed state within a month. During 1-3 months you may notice that the hairs which have been transplanted start to shed at a faster than average rate. While this is understandably alarming, don’t worry. This is actually a good sign. It means that the follicle has taken and has shed the existing hair in order to produce new, thicker and healthier hair. At around 3 months you will start to notice your regrowth.
And it’s all uphill from here!
3-6 months after your procedure
By now you should start to see some results. You will notice hair in previously bald spots and/or filling in your hairline. This may be a slightly different colour or texture to your existing hair. Don’t worry, this is also perfectly natural. These baby hairs will grow fuller and thicker in due time.
6-12 months after your procedure
As the months go by, you’ll start to notice that the new hair is growing thicker and stronger as well as being more proliferate on the scalp. You’re starting to notice the results that will stay with you, but the best is still yet to come.
12-18 months after your procedure
By now you will start to see the final results. It is recommended that you book a review with your consultant or transplant surgeon at or around the 12-month mark. This will help to ensure that all has gone to plan.
Typically, you can expect to see full regrowth on the hairline after 12-15 months. Regrowth on the crown may take longer to complete- typically around 18-20 months.
It’s important to remember that while your transplant will last you for decades to come, the hormone issues that lead to hair loss are still present in your body. Your consultant or surgeon may recommend a course of finasteride tablets or topical minoxidil (or both) to ensure that your existing hair matches the quality of your transplanted hair.
Want to know more about hair transplant in the UK? Visit us at one of our locations or contact us online.